In 1985 Jacques Delors, ahead of a conception of the Treaty of Maastricht and Single European Act, has proclaimed Europe’s Day on 9th of May. Rightfully he stated that Europeans won’t fall in love with just a Single Market, but they need something more. People of Europe deserve to celebrate their culture and identity. The European Union since its creation and its predecessors have provided peace and stability to the European Continent.
Naturally, for all of us in JEF-NL, our sister organisations across Europe, as well as European Movement International and AEGEE, the 9th of May is a very important day. After all it’s a kind of national day for all of us who feel European at heart. But not only it’s also a birthday of our Princess( Europa is a princess after all).
However, this year is very special for us, the European Federalists. But for those living in the Netherlands, this year is remarkable. This year we celebrate many important anniversaries. First, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the birth of our movement, which started here in the Hague! In May 1949, the historic summit took place, the Congress of Hague. During that monumental event, Winston Churchill himself gave now, the historical speech. In which he said: We need the United States of Europe. The full speech can be watched on Youtube.[/caption]
Besides 70th anniversary of the conception of our movement and the historical Congress in Hague. This 9th of May gave us more contemporary reason to celebrate. Maastricht, the cradle of the EU, has been awarded first ever European Heritage Label by the European Commission. Of course, we couldn’t be any happier.
Bellow some pictures from our celebration 🙂